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Today’s Advice

Suggestions by Norm Sperling

These are probably good for many people (often you) much of the time (maybe today). Do what’s right for you when the time is right. They are adapted from a great many sources.

May 1, 2024:  When pondering whether to get involved in something, consider also how hard it will be to get out of it.

April 30, 2024:  Whoever thinks gambling is not permitted in many states never ran a business.

April 29, 2024:  Try something you’ve mused about but never actually done.

April 28, 2024:  Instructions are no fun to read, but they do keep you from a lot of mistakes.

April 27, 2024:  Perfection is not a good goal, because you can never achieve it.  Moving toward it is realistic.

April 26, 2024:  The best things in life aren’t “things”.  They’re people and experiences.

April 25, 2024:  To become particularly welcome, pay bills before they’re due.

April 24, 2024:  On stairs?  Hang on to the handrail to prevent a nasty fall.

April 23, 2024:  Movies have to be turbulent and dramatic.  Real life gets to lavish time on being kind, gentle, and happy, which many people prefer.

April 22, 2024:  Cling to hobbies you enjoy.

April 21, 2024:  Go to your Library and check out some lies.

April 20, 2024:  Being sociable is essential, but it doesn’t have to happen in expensive places.

April 19, 2024:  It’s easy to ignore what your body tells you, but don’t.

April 18, 2024:  It’s time — again — to say “I love you” to everyone you love.

April 17, 2024:  Hidden cynics, fast-buck slickers, and would-be conquerors always seek suckers.

April 16, 2024:  Take the time to do it right.

April 15, 2024:  Use some public services that your taxes pay for.

April 14, 2024:  If you’re even a little lonely, go to events and gatherings where you can meet someone interesting.

April 13, 2024:  As with most of reality including some of your attitudes, this page’s advice is OFF the “political spectrum”.  We’re above and in front of it.

April 12, 2024:  Royals distract public attention from important and deeper matters.

April 11, 2024:  Between long vacations, enjoy some short excursions.

April 10, 2024:  Try something new.  Some may be duds, but many will make you feel better.

April 9, 2024:  Thin black borders make color areas stand out, as in stained glass and comics.  

April 8, 2024:  Follow safety rules to track today’s solar eclipse.

April 7, 2024:  Cleverness can often outdo strength.

April 6, 2024:  Nature is a lot stronger than people.

April 5, 2024:  Raise children to be high-functioning adults.  Some of what you teach them will rub off on yourself.

April 4, 2024:  Do a little something nice for each neighbor.

April 3, 2024:  Save on exercise gyms by doing your own lifting and climbing at home and work.

April 2, 2024:  Sample a different food than the same old stuff.  The variety will taste good and may supply nutrients you don’t usually get.

April 1, 2024:  Brace yourself for projects to take longer and cost more than expected.

March 31, 2024:  Imagine it’s 5 years from now.  What would you most like yourself to have done in that 5 years?  Start doing that.

March 30, 2024:  Your social media haven’t done the best for you.  Fine-tune how you use them.

March 29, 2024:  Spend more time with the right people.

March 28, 2024:  Heating food to 165 F at the center isn’t just for flavor, it’s to kill bacteria before they kill you.  Thinner foods heat faster.

March 27, 2024:  Very curious about something?  Can you audit a college course about it?

March 26, 2024:  For situations out of your control, worry is wasted.  Plan how to adapt.

March 25, 2024:  On a bothersome matter, it may not be too late to change course.  If you think you should, do so soon; it will be harder later.

March 24, 2024:  Whatever your restrictions, your thoughts are free.  Enjoy them, but keep them as private as circumstances require.

March 23, 2024:  Retaliate for an insult with silence and a smirk.  They’ll worry about your intentions, and you don’t have to do anything.

March 22, 2024:  Make appointments for overdue medical checkups.

March 21, 2024:  “Fly-over” places offer many experiences and sights.  Only an ignorant snob would ignore them.

March 20, 2024:  Never send a message written in fury … except to the wastebasket.

March 19, 2024:  You can help your looks a little.  You can help your quality a lot.

March 18, 2024:  Try a different restaurant.

March 17, 2024:  Wear something reminiscent of your heritage.  Prepare to tell a little about it.

March 16, 2024:  Sharing decision-making helps others “buy in” to a decision.

March 15, 2024:  If you haven’t heard from significant people for too long, re-establish communications even if it’s their turn.

March 14, 2024:  Paparazzi ruin lives, so don’t patronize them.

March 13, 2024:  Have a friendly chat with a neighbor.

March 12, 2024:  Enjoy a favorite food you haven’t had for a while, like from another season’s holidays.

March 11, 2024:  News should note newsmakers’ behavior compared to their religions’ teachings. 

March 10, 2024:  When in doubt, get better information.

March 9, 2024:  When you appreciate people, tell them so.

March 8, 2024:  You can scan a field of knowledge using its textbook.  The latest edition made the previous edition really cheap.  

March 7, 2024:  Businesses don’t have to grow.  If they’re successful at a certain size, they can probably keep adapting to changes around that size.

March 6, 2024:  Imagine campaign signs for your favorite fiction characters.

March 5, 2024:  Sometimes the tasks to tackle are not the most important but the most nagging.

March 4, 2024: What should you build with snow?

March 3, 2024:  In a parking lot, a place with nobody nearby means easy-in, easy-out.

March 2, 2024:  Treasure the pleasure of your hobbies.  Keep the money aspects far in the background.

March 1, 2024:  Eat one more helping of veggies than usual to replace something fattening.

February 29, 2024:  Until health claims are scientifically verified, remain skeptical and don’t risk your own health on them.

February 28, 2024:  The “political spectrum” doesn’t describe real people.  Mix in faith, profession, heritage, hobbies, fandoms, and much more:  attitudes are vast and interwoven, NOT a narrow spectrum.

February 27, 2024:  Respect the expertise of masters who can make their tools sing and dance.

February 26, 2024:  What future year do you have an important personal money-goal for?  On your credit and debit cards, put un-missable stickers with that date.

February 25, 2024:  The higher you climb, the more you are exposed.  Protect yourself judiciously.

February 24, 2024:  While making a sandwich, substitute something a bit different for one component.

February 23, 2024:  The only way to keep a secret is to tell no one.

February 22, 2024:  Communication is rarely perfect.  Don't be afraid to ask people to clarify what they mean.

February 21, 2024:  Some disagreements arise when both sides are wrong.

February 20, 2024:  Notice the detailed brickwork on buildings from the 1800s and early 1900s.

February 19, 2024:  Read something a lot longer than this suggestion.

February 18, 2024:  Hope, plan, anticipate ... but don’t count on anything that isn’t in hand.

February 17, 2024:  Enjoy some hot soup.

February 16, 2024:  Music featuring bells can re-spark good moods.

February 15, 2024:  When weather allows, go outside and exercise your muscles and joints.

February 14, 2024:  When temptation would ruin reality, enjoy it as a private fantasy.

February 13, 2024:  Do something to ease tomorrow’s tasks.

February 12, 2024:  For yourself and those who follow, stand up against shoddy goods and services.

February 11, 2024:  Plan your time to serve your several needs, including recreation.

February 10, 2024:  Should you develop your own side gig?  The Web and the library point out what to consider.

February 9, 2024:  Find out new ways that people use computers in your hobby.

February 8, 2024:  Develop a “Plan B” in case something goes wrong with “Plan A”.  For important projects, craft a “Plan C” too.

February 7, 2024:  In products you need to last, quality counts more than style.

February 6, 2024:  What no one doubts, no one verifies.  If it’s important, test it before you trust it.

February 5, 2024:  Reexamine entrenched routines to make beneficial changes.

February 4, 2024:  Set a goal to go in a good direction, rather than to reach a specific point.

February 3, 2024:  When you’re feeling healthy, enjoy it!  And do something to keep healthy.

February 2, 2024:  If you talk more than those around you, talk less.

February 1, 2024:  When others make a mistake, be patient while they learn that, then privately enjoy being right.

January 31, 2024:  Following the instructions IS the shortcut.

January 30, 2024:  People can “re-invent” themselves, though it takes a huge effort.

January 29, 2024:  When you see someone who deserves a compliment:  compliment them.

January 28, 2024:  Problems postponed with alcohol come back.  Bigger.

January 27, 2024:  An advisor can be sincere, yet mistaken.

January 26, 2024:  Spend some time with a friend you haven’t seen lately.

January 25, 2024:  You can’t keep things from going wrong, but you CAN keep fix-up tools handy.

January 24, 2024:  Before you react, find out the whole story.

January 23, 2024:  To increase something’s value, take it from where it has less value to where it has more value.

January 22, 2024:  Explore the back of the closet for things you’d like to use again.

January 21, 2024:  Position yourself to benefit from change, because change always happens.

January 20, 2024:  Store medicines with the name facing outward.  You need to get the right med every time, even when groggy and distracted.

January 19, 2024:  Beyond a comfortable amount, having more just makes more bother.

January 18, 2024:  Does nature already solve a problem you confront?  Find out how.

January 17, 2024:  What do you want to be like a year from now?  Take a step in that direction.

January 16, 2024:  Most disagreements arise when both sides are right.  Sometimes adjusting timing satisfies people.

January 15, 2024:  People react to expectations.  If they know you expect junk, they will give it.  If they know you expect excellence, they will give it.

January 14, 2024:  Especially if you did not enjoy your own childhood, enjoy your children’s.

January 13, 2024:  Rearrange how you use social media to reduce wasting time and to optimize benefits.

January 12, 2024:  Try alternate routes once in a while.  They’ll give you a change of scenery, and one might sometimes be a better way.

January 11, 2024:  It will feel better to get a disagreeable task done than to put it off again and still have to do it.

January 10, 2024:  Donate what you can when you can.  When it’s your turn to need, some will remember.

January 9, 2024:  People who don’t have to earn a living still need tasks worth accomplishing.

January 8, 2024:  Nature is a lot stronger than anything humans can do, so stay mindful of it.

January 7, 2024:  Making the effort to be on time shows respect for everyone involved.

January 6, 2024:  Details are worth bothering with.  Ones you ignore can come back to haunt you.

January 5, 2024:  Events that coincide attract more attention than those that don’t.  But most are unrelated, only a few are cause-and-effect.

January 4, 2024:  High-quality night-lighting need not be bright; pointed downward, and spread evenly, it will show all you want.

January 3, 2024:  If a disagreement has grown worse or longer than it’s worth, take the initiative to reestablish friendlier relations.

January 2, 2024:  Who in your family might need a passport?  Do they all have them?  Have any expired?  It’s easier and cheaper if you apply now, rather than to wait till it’s almost too late.

January 1, 2024:  If you’re not in the right place, doing the right thing, scout your target and plot your transition.

December 31, 2023:  Knowledge is the possession you are most certain to keep.  Learn what you need to know.

December 30, 2023:  Those health warnings on tobacco and alcohol are really true.  Friends and relatives wish you’d stop, but if you won’t, at least minimize.

December 29, 2023:  If you haven’t heard from an important project lately, get a progress report.

December 28, 2023:  Pay club dues right away.  Club officers are usually volunteers who don’t need hassle.

December 27, 2023:  Fit in time for your favorite hobby.

December 26, 2023:  Running out of storage space?  Can you stuff things in empty volume above other stuff?  Below stuff?  Gaps between stuff?  Stuff small stuff inside big stuff?

December 25, 2023:  The best theater seat is next to someone you like.

December 24, 2023:  It is normal for people to not look perfect.  And what “looks perfect” flits with fashions.  Just be a good version of yourself.

December 23, 2023:  Keep short-term practical work-arounds short-term.  If continued, in the long-run they may not be such a good idea.

December 22, 2023:  Keep your goals in mind, even when handling little matters.

December 21, 2023:  Tree shadows pivot on the tree trunks.  As the Sun arcs west, shadows arc east.  If you drive in northern Earth, what parking spaces will stay sunny as long as you need?  If you drive in southern Earth, what parking spaces will stay shady as long as you need?

December 20, 2023:  Use foresight now, and you’ll need fewer excuses later.

December 19, 2023:  Make sure you spell people’s names right.  Many get very sensitive about that.  When in doubt, ask.

December 18, 2023:  Ease common colds with plenty of sleep, fluids, and humidity.

December 17, 2023:  People like to be listened to.  How are your ears?  Your patience?

December 16, 2023:  Follow prescription directions precisely.  The timing and dose are just what the doctor ordered.  Less or more aren’t right.

December 15, 2023:  What makes you angry?  Can you make that rarer and smaller?

December 14, 2023:  Eat one more piece of fruit than usual today.

December 13, 2023:  You form a first impression with almost no input.  Revise it when you know better.

December 12, 2023:  If you don’t know an answer, say so.  You’ll gain respect for believability and candor.

December 11, 2023:  A dab of relish sparks up many meals.

December 10, 2023:  Suggest that children collect their too-small clothes, and help them donate them to a charity.

December 9, 2023:  Be kinder in ordinary situations than the minimum necessary.

December 8, 2023:  Snack on something filling just before shopping.

December 7, 2023:  You can enter or resume college at any age, not only when graduating high school.

December 6, 2023:  Scammers seek suckers who skip reading the fine print and analyzing the numbers.  They can fool you and take your money.  Or, you can fool them and blow the whistle.

December 5, 2023:  Nobody has enough time to follow all the wisdom they hear, including here.

December 4, 2023:  Everyone has good luck and bad luck.  Position yourself to take best advantage of the first, and best withstand the second.

December 3, 2023:  Do something charitable quietly, not to earn praise.

December 2, 2023:  People are mellower after a meal.

December 1, 2023:  Good ideas can come from many people, even those you don’t like.

November 30, 2023:  Hearing “you’ve got nothing” is good news from your doctor, bad news from your banker.

November 29, 2023:  Some opportunities come as complete surprises.  The more your affairs are already in order, the better and faster you can take advantage of them.

November 28, 2023:  Making a mistake shows you’re human.  Correcting it before it’s too late shows you’re smart and mean well.

November 27, 2023:  Listen to someone else’s opinions and, if they’re worth it, ponder them long.

November 26, 2023:  Weight-loss programs that work in the long run aren’t advertised as “fast” and “easy”.

November 25, 2023:  Relaxing, calm, quiet, peaceful periods can reduce pain and tension.

November 24, 2023:  Improve the gifts you give by adding extra thought, not extra money.

November 23, 2023:  Ask elders about olden times.

November 22, 2023:  When somebody says something offensive, first figure out what they really intend.

November 21, 2023:  Keep your body running by at least keeping it walking.  Reasonable exercise helps health.

November 20, 2023:  If you have time before reaching a decision, use it for getting information and pondering.  Then decide and act.

November 19, 2023:  Children turn cooperative when brought shopping and told “buy what you’ll eat, eat what you buy.”

November 18, 2023:  Gossips spread news whether you like it or not.  Tell them your good news.  Some of my good news is that I post this advice.  Some of yours is that you read it.

November 17, 2023:  Beware of menus with too many adjectives.

November 16, 2023:  A good price for something you don’t want is not a good price.

November 15, 2023:  Learn more about nature’s workings.  They’re wonderful and awesome ... and useful.

November 14, 2023:  Size matters in some ways, but many matters matter more.

November 13, 2023:  What “everybody knows” may not be true.  If it doesn’t ring true to you, remain skeptical, and verify what you can.

November 12, 2023:  The warmer you dress, the less you need to pay for heating.

November 11, 2023:  Little Free Libraries offer serendipity.  You can return later with your swap book.

November 10, 2023:  Sample a different form or brand of a standard ingredient.  Is it tastier or easier?

November 9, 2023:  Rummage through the bottoms and backs of drawers.  Sell or give away anything you’ll never use again.

November 8, 2023:  Say what you think, but put it in a way that your listeners will best accept.

November 7, 2023:  Develop a project on the side that just might make a big difference for you.

November 6, 2023:  Select a worry that you can fix, and fix it.

November 5, 2023:  On spread-sheet projects and goals, include a column for “Next Steps”.  Those arise unexpectedly, open opportunities, and add up.

November 4, 2023:  If you want to invite friends over, you don’t have to wait for a holiday.

November 3, 2023:  A stroll by the water makes a good change of pace.

November 2, 2023:  Getting things right is the right direction to head toward, though absolute perfection is often not worth the effort.

November 1, 2023:  Wear a feather.  People will smile and compliment you.

October 31, 2023:  One food treat can make a whole day feel better.

October 30, 2023:  Contentedness speaks more of wisdom than of wealth.

October 29, 2023:  Every machine requires servicing.  What do you depend on, but haven’t taken care of lately?

October 28, 2023:  Friends are too precious to lose, but you can dial some up and dial some down.

October 27, 2023:  When your underwear isn’t right, nothing’s right.  Fix or get rid of the ones that don’t feel good.

October 26, 2023:  LoveLockers:  Railings and fences aren’t built to cope with so much extra weight, so that’s not where to lock your locks. Enterprisers:  Offer romantic, inviting, picturesque, safe, proper, affordable venues for LoveLocking, with optional ceremony. 

October 25, 2023:  Update your resume; it may be handy.

October 24, 2023:  Have a friendly chat with someone where you work.

October 23, 2023:  Take lots of pictures.  People change, memories fade, pictures rekindle good times with good people.

October 22, 2023:  You were curious about something recently.  Find overviews with a search-engine or encyclopedia.  Dig deeper into the background, causes, effects, and surroundings in books — your Library is still there.

October 21, 2023:  When you neglect safety, you risk what you have to live for, and scare people who care about you.

October 20, 2023:  Some issues have more than 2 sides; some have fewer.

October 19, 2023:  A good meal that’s getting dull may wake up with a different seasoning.

October 18, 2023:  Revise first impressions in the light of longer experience.

October 17, 2023:  Plan some time off.  Start enjoying it in your imagination right now.

October 16, 2023:  Minimal decoration is for people who have nothing they’re proud of, nothing they like, no mementos, and no thoughts.  Live happier:  show off what you like, strut what you’re proud of, keep useful stuff handy, splash happy colors and shapes all around.

October 15, 2023:  Spend time with young ones.  That’s worth much more than spending money on them.

October 14, 2023:  Get enough sleep, even if you add up several naps.  There’s nothing like it.

October 13, 2023:  Open up more time by paying less attention to celebrities.

October 12, 2023:  The simple pleasures of youth are still pleasures, so enjoy them.

October 11, 2023:  Trapped in traffic?  The world is giving you free time off.  Shimmy into your seat, relax, breathe deeply, play your favorite music, and gather your thoughts.

October 10, 2023:  Limit your impulse buying price:  $1?  The price of a cup of coffee?  lunch?  a shirt?

October 9, 2023:  Turn a place in your home into something you especially like.

October 8, 2023:  Learn to do one more computer thing today.

October 7, 2023:  Set up your day to fit in some healthy chuckles.

October 6, 2023:  Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s right.

October 5, 2023:  When daunted by an enormous task:  First, finish the easiest parts.  Then finish the easiest remaining parts.  Then the next.  By then you’ve built momentum, and the remainder isn’t so enormous.

October 4, 2023:  The Space Age began 66 years ago today.  Use an image-search engine for “nebula” or “galaxy” or “planet”, to see what that awesome new point of view reveals where we had noticed fuzz-blotches.

October 3, 2023:  Temperatures range widely at this season.  Linger outside when the temperature is your favorite.

October 2, 2023:  Go up a high building or mountain and enjoy the view.

October 1, 2023:  First of the month!  Turn the page on the picture calendar.  Turn the page on the other monthly calendars.  What would be good to turn the page on figuratively?

September 30, 2023: Don’t be in such a rush.  Leave a little earlier, slow down, and go easier.

September 29, 2023:  Listen to an old favorite piece of music.

September 28, 2023:  Travel when circumstances permit.  Too often, circumstances don’t permit, sometimes abruptly.

September 27, 2023:  Insurance terms and prices are changing a lot.  Cover the right risks for the right amount, from the right company, naming the right beneficiaries.

September 26, 2023: What are your meds doing inside you? Read the info sheets: awesome info, tho awful literature.

September 25, 2023:  Select which old customs to magnify, which to honor as heritage, and which to grow out of.

September 24, 2023: Who do you like, but haven’t communicated with for too long?  Send them a friendly greeting and set up a time to chat.

September 23, 2023: If you must criticize, begin and end it with praise.

September 22, 2023: Check all your tires. Do they need more air? Is the tread still safe? Fix what needs fixing.