Over 100 new old books for sale, December 2024.

From my own library.  Many 1800s.

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This website rewards time and thought. Not for “tl;dr” simpletons. Suckers seeking instant oversimplifications should retreat back to the rest of the Internet. No “artificial intelligence hallucinations” — everything here is by and for real humans.

Email: normsperling@gmail.com Postal: 2625 Alcatraz Avenue #235, Berkeley, California 94705 USA.

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Don’t Try This in High School

Edited by Norman Sperling. © 2011 Norman Sperling.

Good science in good humor! Sharp high school and college science students will love these spoofs and lampoons. Witty twists open minds to exciting, refreshing new thoughts.

Selected from The Journal of Irreproducible Results, the science humor magazine.  Some articles are longish, assume understanding high school science courses, and — appealing to high school and college students — aren’t totally inoffensive.

8.5 x 5.5 inches, 216 pages. To be alerted when book versions go on sale, email normsperling@gmail.com .  Paperback PoD 978-0913399-12-5; Hardback 978-0913399-13-2; Ebook 978-0913399-14-9; audiobook 978-0913399-15-6.

Give this book:

* for holidays, birthdays, graduation

* to tide them over a long trip or recuperation

* and to encourage thinking and laughing at the same time

To sample the flavor, here are a few of the topics:


Yo Mama jokes

Physicist MacDonald's Farm

Watched pot never boils

Ideal lab equipment


Chocolate cake

Mannekin molecules


Frog dissection


Budgies as weapons

Insect rights


2 = 1

Even prime numbers

The largest integer

Computing infinity

Word Play

Suplurals and zero-order terms

Crossword puzzle from Hell

Nature versus Nurture

Color discrimination

Triplets raised apart


Rock - Paper - Scissors


Coin stacking

Ben Franklin was twins


Eradicating poverty

Marmite® versus Vegemite®

Deep space hand salutes

and several cool songs

If you assemble a kit to give along with the book, include:


Tootsie® pops


cat hair



and Mars® bars.

Yes, a lot of articles are really sweet.

The imaginary invisible companion described in one article is supplied free with the book.

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Dewey: 502.07 science humor

Library of Congress: Q167 science humor

British Library: Q167 science humour

Anatomy: humerus

Biochemistry: hydrocarbon polymer

Boffin: proto

Dental: nitrous oxide

Emoticon: 8-D

Epidemiology: highly infectious

Geek: chic

Gilbert & Sullivan: Major General

Hitchhikers: 42

Initialism: ROFLMAO

Latlong: -122+37

Lux: brilliant, sparkling

Madoff: +0.104i

Nerd: pride

Oceanography: dry

Ottewell: 8 3/8 inches

Stratigraphy: Upper Anthropocene

Trigonometry: tangents

Zoology: owl/hyena

Don’t Try This in High School would make splendid videos, articles, podcasts, etc.  Who would be the right producer or the right author? Describe what you propose and offer, in an email to normsperling@gmail.com .